KataCliniKa Limited

On the Job (OJT) Training or Certification (OJC)

OJT is "on the job training" where the trainee is doing the actual work and the mentor is advising, and supervising the trainee. OJC is "on the job certification" where the trainee is doing the actual work and his/her work is certified for quality that meets specific standards.

The main benefit of OJT or OJC is the productivity of the trainee or certificate seeker is not interrupted but instead it is enhanced.

All KataCliniKa trainers and certifiers hold Masters or Doctorate degrees in their respective field of study. 

KataCliniKa brand provides fields of training or certification in the clinical research subject. KataSoniKa brand provides fields of training or certification in the noise, vibration, and environmental subjects. For further details see our respective services by clicking on the brand names above.

Yes, OJT can be replaced by OJC as long the same objective is achievable.  

      OJC is not a trademark licence. A trademark licence requires registration by an intellectual protection authority. 

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